04 april 2016


The luxury of being in a big city, of having everything you possibly could want outside your doors, and of being strong enough psysically to being able to enjoy it.

This day was one of those rare periods of time where everything was perfect. The planets were in line. All was good with the world, and we decided to celebrate that.

09.45: We started of by oversleeping. Not the smartest move, but we still had half an hour to get down to the super breakfast here at Furama. We have really grown accustomed to the asian way of breakfast: fried rice, chicken and lentils in curry and heaps of watermelon!

Dad always tells us to be careful about our stomages when we eat dinner for breakfast at home, but when 4,2 billion people eat like this, he really can't complain.

13.00: We showered, cleaned the room from anything we thought was to weird for the poor cleaners to see (like books on the toilet floor and dirty clothes in heaps all around - what did you think I was talking about?) and laid a quick hand on the blog before we went out to find new clothes in one of Kuala Lumpur's many shopping malls. We live right next to Beraja Square, and from there it's only a short walk to Pavilion and Suria CC, so we knew we'd keep busy even if we didn't have anything planned. But I had to find a new pair of shoes and any kind of t-shirt that ended under the belly button. I had not thought about Malaysia as a highly islamic country and therefor barely packed anything that was longer than the knees.

BUT what a wonderful opportunity to shop!

We sat and thought about were to go next while eating this

and life was so beautifully technicolored I wanted to stay in that moment forever.

14.40: I read in Metro that Swedes like to eat Swedish food and do Swedish stuff while abroad, so we honored that tradition by buying the new clothes at H&M. I was so happy with them I didn't even feel ashamed for being this vanilla. Jonathan was less happy with spending half an hour outside a fitting room. I tried to tell him I rarely shop at home and that I therefor deserved it, but I don't think the speach hit home like it should have.

16.00: The sky opened up and a shower worthy of the name monsoon left the streets filled with flowing water. I love heavy summerrains, and this was absolutely amazing. Since we were stranded under a yawning for a while, we got plenty of time to immortalize the moment.

17.10: So an ordinary iced latte from Starbucks in KL costs about RM 12,5/ $3 USD/ 26 SEK. Strangely enough, that is also the price of a movie ticket. We took advantage of this when we headed to Golden Screen Cinema (they basically have one inside of every mall) for seeing the latest Disney movie Zootopia.

19.10: If the rain didn't ruin my makeup (why oh why did I take non-waterproof today of all days?) before, this movie sure did.

But BOY was this so much better than we thought. If you havn't seen it, go online to sf.se or similar and order your tickets NOUUW and your life will be instantly better.

We were touched, a bit emotionally unstable and at the same time overexited and could have easily called it a (very very good) day by then, but we had to stupidly enough decided on only four days in KL, which made our schedule a bit more compact. We walked out of Pavilion, crossed a street and then in to another shopping centre - the Suria CC, from which you could see the Petrona Twin Towers.

Unfortunatly, the walking bridge was closed for two months, which we had checked up beforehand, so we planned to visit the observation platform instead. After gotten lost thrice, we finally found were to enter the deck... only to find out that this was closed on mondays. Well. The sight from the outside nighttime was quite spectacular as well.

21.00: Ever mentioned we are HRC-addicts? That company is a very smart fella, luring people into loving them by making collectable stuff available in the gift shop.

These beautys got to follow us home,

while this beauty went straight to my tummy.

We stayed for a while listening to this and enjoying basically life in itself

but Jonathan was starting to feel tired by 10 o'clock (his medications had that side effect unfortunatly) so we caught the monorail line home to Bukit Bintang.


This was our day celebrating Life, and being healthy again

It contained all the things you really need, 
like coffein, cheesecake, vine, pins, Disney, sleeping more than you probably should, 
popcorn, new clothes and accessoaries and shoes, fantastic photos and a lot of walking. 

Only thing missing was noodles. 


Oh, why oh why did we decided on neglecting this paradise of a city by only giving it four nights, why?  We could have easily stayed 2 more (especially in this suite). Only slightly more expensive than Bangkok (but then, on the other hand, we only hang out in the better areas) but quadruppel times better.

I already look forward to coming back.

Got a taste for Kuala Lumpur

Check out our visit to Batu Caves!


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