01 maj 2016



Showing some love 
in Forbidden City, Beijing

My oh my oh my. We are heading into the last 24 hours on the road and every hour is a new experience. Will this by the hour we cry? Or the one we hysterically jump up and down in exitement? Or the one we'll stare blindly out the window, being outside ourselves?

Capturing moments in Zhangjiajie

At the moment, we are just glad we've escaped the censorship of China. China is one of the most intresting and beautiful countries on earth, as far as we know it, but Mr. Mao, let me just say this: blocking Google and Facebook is NOT COOL! Really uncool, in fact. 

Especially when two idiots is running a blog via Google and failed to get a VPN-tunnel... 

Just climbed and knocked on Heaven's Gate. No biggy.


It's hard to sum up a trip before it is really over and you've come home and gotten some perspective, so I won't. But I can tell you as much: This two months are a period of time that will affect our lives permanently. We've changed goals and views on life; we've changed the way we look at ourselves.
We've also met people and been to place that changed our prejudice about it world in whole.

Getting some new views on the worlds - quite literally...
Summer Palace, Beijing

New possible friends everywhere
Tianmen Mountain Open Chairlift, Zhangjiajie

Stunning Baofeng Lake in Wulingyuan


And, kind of most important of all but not at the same time;

WE DID IT! WE CAME HOME FROM THE TRIP WITH MORE THAN 1,900 USD LEFT without having compromising on the quality!

I guess we really, really overestimated our spending...

There is actually some kind of willpower inwolved as there is A LOT of things to buy in China.. 
Market in Baofeng Lake Area, Wulingyuan


This is all for now.
Tomorrow, after "sleeping" on the plane back to Europe, we have a 12-hour stopover in Frankfürt and we might as well do something good with it.

Summer Palace chilling in Beijing


See you when we get back!


Showing even more love in Forbidden City


>>> PSSST!! Keep your eyes open the next couple of days for Halong Bay36 hours in Changsha, Zhangjiajie National Park and about twenty entrys more. <<<<

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