06 augusti 2016


DAY 12
Friday morning and today's plan was... non exsistent. I don't think I'e ever seen my strong-oppinioned family like this - everyone wanted to do something but no one wanted to decide on anything.
Since we live on 1st Ave here in Seattle, the excitement starts as soon as you walk out of the door, so we let the feet decide. And the feet led us to Space Needle.

..Only thing was, none of us really wanted to go up in it.

Luckily for us, there's a lot of things to do in that area that is not Space Needle, so while dad, mom and Vic went to a guitar exhibition, me and Julia took some sisterly quality time and went to Chihuly Garden and Glass.

Sometimes, lack of distinct plan combined with letting the feet lead the way leads you to something amazing. Seldom, but sometimes. And this was one of those times.

The Chihuly glass and garden museum was divided into 8 parts.


First, there was the aqua room. 

Tall, beautiful chandeliers in different shades of blue were put on pedestals, decorated with sea horses and shells, all made of glass. 


Next room was a total feast for the eye.
The ceiling were covered in glass, in upon the glas probably thousands of glass pieces were lit up from above, leaving you with the feeling of walking in a coral reef. 

I still don't know how we managed to walk out of there. I could have spent a lifetime in that room, so blinded by beauty I could have died in starvation without noticing it. 


Room three was a disneyesque, twisted fantasy forrest.  
Suddenly, we were Alice and dragged down the rabbit hole to wonderland. The signs telling us not to touch anything were suddenly hard to obey. 


Next up: Two boats bursting with candy-like glass pieces, 
like the most artistic piñata.
Gallery part four was... I can't find any word in the my English vocabulary that justifies the feeling we got just by looking at these. 

The inspiration for these pieces were found in the rivers of Finland and the boats from Japan. 

On the opposite wall there hung paper artwork that Chuhily had started to communicate his ideas through when he hurt his shoulder and eye. Later in the gallery, we could see how he made these by squirting paint out of the tubes. It was really impressive to see. 


Chandeliers worthy of their own Sia-song
Next part included some more chandeliers, but hung instead of placed on pedestals. 
After seeing the boats and the wonderland-garden, this didn't impress us as much and we only took a few pictures before continuing to the next part. 

It's easy to see why Chihuly said he found most of his inspiration in nature. Especially lit like this, they really resembled of fire and ice. 

I think they modelled Elsa's dress after this last one...


And dot, dot, dot...
Last part of the indoors exhibition was the Macchia room, named after the italian word for "spot". It said on the sign that Chihuly hade had access to over 300 colours when making this exhibiton pieces, and he wanted to do the most of it. There was a guided tour going on when we entered the room, and frankly, we didn't have the time or energy to listen to all of it. But I'm sure it was very nice and informative. 


And Chihuly's own 'glass house'... 
Outdoors we went, to the green house that Chihuly got to design here in Seattle. As if we weren't speechless enough before, this sure kept our mouths quiet even though the jaw had dropped to the floor. 

Beauty overload. See for yourselves.

Space Needle in the background, jajjamen

The rest of the garden was also very beautiful.

Hard to make justice to their apperence when the camera is what it is, but but (butt).


We met up with dad and Vic och mum by 6-ish and by then we were all starving. 
When steak is in the lookout, there's only one place to go... 

...Hard Rock Café, of course. 


More about Chihuly's work is found on this page: 


More about this specific museum is found here: 

Chihuly Garden and Glass


Any questions for me? Leave them in the box below. 
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Den Felicia

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