04 augusti 2016


DAY 10
You can’t be on top every day.
I fell asleep at 2.30 am and mum slept even less, so the morning was slowstarted. We had plans on going to the beach – everyone except me, that is. I have very little patience for the sand and dampness and constant flow of wind making the hair all humid and greasy that comes with spending time there. I had looked forward to spending the day at the library, catching up on the days I’ve yet to blog about and get some well-deserved time alone. Sometimes I wonder if I even like people at all when enjoying being on my own so much, but I guess you get tired of the silence eventually. (?)

We started off the morning America-style with donuts, bagels and coffee and with just one bathroom for 5 people, the line to it made each of us wait for like an hour. During this hour my mum succeeded in convincing me of tagging along to the beach, which of course ment me and Victor running around catching Pokémons anywhere else but the beach. 

But all of us had a nice day (I evolved my Eevee to a 1200 CP Jolteon, Julia got sunburned, Victor missed out on a Nidoking but reched level 16 and mum and dad were terrified by the cold water but just had to jump in anyway) and soon enough, time was way past midday and we had to refill our bellies.  


Returning to downtown, I finally headed to the library and spent two hours praying to the internet gods to make the free wifi work faster than 10 pictures/hour. Unfortunately, my prayers were left unheard and Miniature World have to wait until like, tomorrow. Or until we return to Vancouver.

That’s it for today. Hope you guys had a great day to and I really do hope, with all my heart, that it has been raining cats and dogs in Sweden.


Your favorite Idiot

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