16 april 2017

PROJECT FIKA: Princesscake - Mission failed

We are now at part three of our Fika project and the idea was to widen our testgroup a little by adding the third Axelsson sibling: The 16 year old Victor aka. our baby brother.

The five of us were going to explore the old Swedish luxury-ish konditori ("patisserie") Ahlströms and snap some pretty pics of the very photogenic Princesscake, a creation of 50 % whipped cream and layers of jam, custard and spongecake, drapped with a luscious green marzipan cover.

The first part - getting Victor to tag along, excited, even though it was a date with his old dusty sisters and their partners - actually succeded. We didn't even offer to pay for him.

The snag came later; when all of us, except Jonathan, had found nice seatings in the corner of Ahlstöms, we learned that they were out of princesscake.
...A konditori in Sweden is always suppose to have princesscake! It's the unwritten law.
And it gets worse - since we are going towards easter times, the marzipan they'd had, had turned yellow, and instead of the rose was a chicken, they told us, smiling.

Luckily, Ahlströms is situated on probably the most café-frequent street in all of Gothenburg, so we literally walked ten meters before arriving at another konditori. The sign said Jerkstrands, a name we vaguely recalled seing around before, so in we went. 

This Jerkstrands bakery store appared to be newly opened, which made the prices great. A pastry was only 32 SEK.

AS YOU CAN SEE, the marzipan was still YELLOW. ↓

(Down in the right corner you see a yellow creation) 


On a brighter note, the Napoleon pastry (pink and strawberry-y in Sweden, as far as we know) was supertasty.

As ush, Julia and Jonas were the in the center of Felicia's camera attention.
Naaw, aaaaw, cute, right?

Please note! 
These pictures are not approved by the people in them but though luck they are still on the internet you're welcome

This guy also sneaked his way in to some pictures.

Pretty handsome, single 16 year old with a tendency to sass, do we have a first bid? 

These guys were also here! You thought you could go a whole post without seing us but OH WERE YOU MISTAKEN.

What no I'm just tossing my hair you know casually, like one do 

Also, every day is using-instaxmini70-day:




We did not find the perfect princesscake, nor the perfect picture. But we were kind of satisfied with our afternoon anyway. And now, since we failed this, we have a reason to eat some more cake, soon!

We might postpose the princesscake-eating a couple of weeks since we are longing for the best fika tradition of all: KLADDKAKA [KLÄÄDDKEJK] ♥.

Every Swede has their own recepie of their 'prrrfect kladdkaka', but we dare to say we can even top that. Stay tuned?



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